I believe that there is nothing more inspiring than meeting someone new for coffee. My life has been shaped by every person I’ve met, and it’s thanks to my network that I was able to launch and sell my first company Attractive World and build my new adventure, networking app Shapr. My dream is to inspire others to meet people as regularly as I do! To help this mission, I launched Conversations With People Smarter Than Me, a talk show that shows the power of one coffee. Each week I sit down with visionary leaders to learn what drives them and how to find meaning in your professional life. You can watch it here – http://www.youtube.com/c/LudovicHuraux I have been honored to share my vision with journalists at Forbes, Fast Company, TechCrunch, BBC News, Entrepreneur, Yahoo Finance, and BFM Business, as well as onstage at Madison Square Garden. Outside of work hours, I practice meditation and also love a good game of ping pong or soccer. My favorite book is The Power Of Now and I highly recommend it.